JUAA offers two categories of membership:
- Full members support and participate in JUAA activities including the governance. To obtain full membership, each university and junior college must be institutionally accredited by JUAA.
- Associate members support JUAA several activities. Associate membership can be obtained without evaluation or accreditation.
The benefits of JUAA Membership are as follows:
- Participate in seminars, programs and symposiums for quality enhancement of higher education institutions (HEIs)
- Receive the News and other publications by JUAA
- Gain access to JUAA Archives
- Gain access to the results of researches and participate as a researcher in the Research Institute for Quality Assurance of Higher Education(RIQAHE)
JUAA holds special events and seminars for full members, such as the "President Seminar" for HEI heads and the "Study Program" for faculty and staff members.

To learn more about JUAA, please click our e-brochure.
To be considered for membership of JUAA, please contact the JUAA Secretariat at intl@juaa.or.jp